In perioada 03-09 februarie 2015 a avut loc a doua sesiune de antrenamente cu renumitul antrenor PJ Nolan, antrenorul federal al Irlandei si a multor jucatori din Main Tour precum Fergal O’Brien, David Hogan, Aditya Mehta sau Lucky Vatnani. Cele 5 zile de antrenamente au reprezentat o experienta de neuitat atat pentru jucatorii participanti, cat si pentru marele antrenor irlandez, deoarece acesta a lucrat cu numai putin de 21 de jucatori. In continuare vom prezenta un paragraf despre cea de-a doua calatorie avuta la Bucuresti, de catre PJ Nolan:

„On the 3rd of February I returned to the beautiful city of Bucharest to hold another training camp in the TAC Billiard & Snooker Club. This camp was arranged again by the newly formed Real Snooker Tour of Romania to promote the game and provide the players with more guidance to improve their game to a higher level.

The 21 players were: Rares Sinca. Florentin Ciobanu, Paul Croitoru, Sorin Craciun, Marius Baltaretu, Mari Botezatu, Tibi Teodoru, Andrei Malcea, Monica Manolache, Iulian Florescu, Horia Campeanu, Ionut Chircu, Razvan Sdrobis, Mihaela Sdrobis, Doru, Bogdan Grigore, Sebi Musat, Mihai Ion, Mihaela Ornoiu. Marcel Bera and Babken Melkonian.

The TAC Club facilities are one of the best in Europe with high quality playing conditions. Among the players were many of the top International players who represented Romania over the years in Men, Masters, Ladies, European and World Championships plus one of Europe’s leading Pool players in Romania.

The Coaching

During this camp I worked on developing a solid technique on their Stance, Cue Action, Grip, Address Position and I used my various academy routines to improve the player’s cue ball control, long potting and break building scoring. I used my academy laser to help the players get into the line of aim and all the players were videoed and received a DVD of their game to study at home. The players also received a Sports Psychology audio to work on their mind fitness.

Tactical Game

I also focused on their tactical game as this area needs to improve the most and the mini tactical games helped the players identify the correct shots to win more. I was impressed with the future plans of the Real Snooker Tour in how they want to develop the game in Romania. I was very happy to see the improvement in the players who attended the last camp and happy to see new faces attend this camp.

Thank You

Finally I want to thank Paul Croitoru, The Real Snooker Tour Committee, The TAC Club and all the players for making it a great camp. I am already looking forward to returning later in the year to monitor the progress and help develop the game more in Romania.”

Prin aceasta cale dorim sa ii multumim enorm pentru tot efortul depus pe parcursul celor 5 zile si abia asteptam urmatoarea sesiune de antrenamente!!!

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